1 Ventilator, Iron wire, Wool, Tape, Electricity.
85x60x60 cm
This piece is the result of intuitive creation, without a clear statement or philosophy behind it. I think in order not to destroy certain pieces you should work without actual thinking, just the need to make something this or that way. Maybe I could store this inside a research I've been doing about a year ago. It comes down to the search for a 'soul' of machinery. Ever machine has a certain aura, and when you change and reconnect the functions it gets a character and starts to show live instead of pure mechanical functionality.
My startingpoint was wind, so I took an old ventilator that i found somewhere as it creates artificial wind. However, in order to use the wind it creates I had to get it running first. When I took it apart my interest in researching any type of mechanism took over, along with the fun of playing with it. I forgot about the theme, and created some sort of animal out of it. It's disability to actually fly comes forth out of my own disability to use technique to create a miracle such as overpowering certain functions of a weak engine. Nevertheless there grew some character in the creature while working on it, and a dislocated bird is the result.